Vango Banshee 200 REVIEW | Read Before You Buy This Tent!

Vango Banshee 200 review - Lake Earn - wild camping

At one point, the Vango Banshee 200 tent was everywhere! Well, mostly hanging out in campsites and wild camping spots around the UK!

But it did get me thinking, why was the Vango Banshee such a popular tent?

I bought the Banshee as my first tent for wild camping, it ticked a few things for me. It was in my budget, I’d heard of Vango and the tent was set up in an outdoor shop which meant I could crawl inside to see if I fitted!

After going on many wild camping expeditions with my lovely Vango Banshee 200 here are a few secrets about this ‘famous’ tent (in my opinion haha) so you can decide whether to buy one for yourself.

This is my full and honest Vango Banshee 200 review. There is now a Banshee Pro version and I will include the differences between the two tents (it’s not much). Get ready for some serious tent and camping talk for the next few minutes!

I’ve also included the best (and cheapest places you can buy the Banshee 200 from). *Correct at time of writing.

Feel free to ask me any more questions about this Vango tent in the comments below.

Please note I no longer use the Banshee for my wild camping adventures, I upgraded to the MSR Hubba NX which suits me better. You can read my Hubba review here and you’ll see why I made the swap!

Vango Banshee 200 Tent

Vango Banshee 200 review - Loch Earn - wild camping

What’s the difference with the Vango Banshee Pro?

Vango relaunched the popular Vango Banshee 200 and called it the Vango Banshee Pro.

From reviewing the tent online, the dimensions are slightly different, although the weight is identical, there aren’t any differences in the size of the tent, other than the colour of the lining which is now grey and there’s a new opening vent. 

This does mean that you don’t get blinded when the sun shines through the tent with the orange inner!

When and why did I buy the Vango Banshee 200?

Porch and inner sheet unzipped on the Vango Banshee 200
Porch and inner sheet unzipped on the Vango Banshee 200 tent


*Becky the Traveller participates in the Amazon Services Associates Programme, as well as other affiliate programmes. If you make a purchase through these, I earn from the qualifying links. This is at no extra cost to you. Read more here.


Back in 2016, after deciding, I need more adventure and wild camping trips in my life! I went on a search for the perfect 1-person tent.

A trip to Ultimate Outdoors, a huge warehouse of tents that I could try out. I spotted the Vango Banshee, hopped inside, had a lie down then decided to buy it. That was the extent of my tent research!

After the first successful wild camping trip with my sister, it sat in my cupboard for a while.

But in 2017, I was made redundant from my full-time job and the Vango Banshee 200 came out of hibernation! I went on a road trip around the UK visiting all 15 National Parks (and camping too).

My Banshee tent went on numerous wild and non-wild camping trips in the UK. Although, I’ve now ditched the Banshee and upgraded to a much lighter tent for my wild camping trips – MSR Hubba NX at only 1.4 kg.

I hope you find this review of the Banshee tent useful, feel free to ask any questions in the comments below.

How big is the Vango Banshee 200 tent?

Vango Banshee 200 at Nant Peris campsite Snowdonia
Vango Banshee 200 sloping design in Snowdonia

Let’s start with the important size question!

How big is the Vango Banshee 200? Although, it’s a 2-person tent, I bought solely to use on my own, with my kit.

When buying a tent the number (200) will usually relate to how many people it is meant for, for example, 200 = 2-person tent.

The design of the tent goes from wide to narrow, streamlining the tent but also making it smaller at the lower end. When pitched the full dimensions are 270cm x 174 cm. However, the sleeping compartment is (at the widest) 227 cm x 120 cm).

It is also 95 cm at the highest point which is high enough for me to sit up in (I’m 5 ft 7 in), but only if you’re in the central section. The chances are you’ll still touch the slanting sections of the tent.

Vango Banshee Pro

I’ve checked the dimensions for the Vango Banshee Pro, they are similar, but not exactly the same

Dimensions 265 cm L x 175 cm W x 100 cm H

The weight is still the same, at 2.39 kg.

Bamford Edge, Peak District - Vango Banshee 200
Wild camping trip in my Banshee 200

I’ve never tried with a second person but wouldn’t fancy it.

Can two people sleep in the Vango Banshee 200?

If you want a tent that two people can sleep in, without mattresses then yes you can fit two people in the tent.

But if you want to fit two people with lovely sleeping mats then you would need to overlap them at the bottom because the bottom (foot) section gets narrow. The tent would be suitable for an adult and child combo.

I wouldn’t recommend the 200 model for 2 adults – if you want a tent for 2 people then go for the Banshee 300.

Banshee porch

There is also a small porch area. It is big enough to keep muddy boots, cooking equipment but nothing much bigger. It’s handy to have on rainy mornings to stop the inner of your tent getting wet.

But, in my opinion, it’s a pretty rubbish porch area. My new MSR Hubba one-person tent is smaller inside but has a much bigger porch.

Once you’ve been on a few camping trips in the rain you realise the importance of a decent porch area, which is one of the downsides of the Banshee tent.

Looking for a bigger tent?

  • If you are looking for a tent for two people then Vango have another option!
  • The Vango Banshee 300, full dimensions are 280 cm x 215 cm.
  • There is a small porch area on each side.

How heavy is the Banshee 200 tent?

Peak district hike with Vango Banshee 200 tent
Vango Banshee 200 attached to the back of my rucksack

The Vango Banshee has a flysheet, an inner sheet and two poles, plus pegs. It’s fairly light but that depends on how far you want to carry your tent!

I took mine on one and two-day camping trips but I wouldn’t fancy taking the Banshee on a long-distance, multi-day hike.

It might not seem it but 2.39 kg is heavy for such a small tent and there are definitely lighter ones on the market.

(For my big 950-mile hiking challenge, I used the MSR Hubba NX)

Vango Banshee 200 Weight

  • Total weight of the Vango Banshee 200 is 2.39 kg
  • Vango Banshee Pro is also 2.39 kg
  • Vango Banshee 300 is 3.43 kg

How much does the tent cost?

For a 2-person tent, (suitable for 1 person) the cost is pretty reasonable if you are planning on a few camping trips.

The Vango Banshee is a budget tent, but a good starting option.

Click to check the latest prices from Ultimate Outdoors

Is the Banshee 200 good for hiking trips?

Peak District hike with Banshee 200 tent
Vango Banshee in the bottom of my rucksack (with poles separate)

The pack size of the tent is 46 cm x 16 cm so depending on the size of your rucksack you can fit on the outside or inside. I’ve done both, depending on how much other camping gear I have with me.

I love that the tent bag is larger than the tent. You can roll into more of a ball and fit at the bottom of your rucksack (minus the tent poles which I slide into the main section).

In the photo above, my Banshee is packed in the bottom of my 55-litre rucksack, with the poles separate.

I love that the tent bag is larger than the tent

The weight is about enough for day hiking trips. I’ve done a few 10+ miles with my rucksack, tent, plus other wild camping equipment which for my body size and strength is enough.

I find walking poles are great when you have a larger pack.

What about wild camping in the Banshee?

Lake Earn - wild camping in Vango Banshee 200
Wild camping by Loch Earn in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs

*Wild camping in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs requires a permit at certain times of year (March to September). Read more here

A handy thing about the Vango Banshee 200 is its a khaki green colour, perfect for blending into mountain, countryside or woodland scenery.

When I’m wild camping I prefer to be as discreet. A tent that doesn’t stand out too much is important for me, especially as a solo female.

My other challenge on wild camping trips is something to find a spot big enough for the tent.

I know it’s not as big as some of those house-sized tents that you get but depending on your location it can sometimes be a challenge to find somewhere to pitch up. This has only happened once or twice though.

You can read more about wild camping in the UK here plus a few tips!

How easy is it to put up and take down the Tent?

Tryfan Snowdonia - Vango Banshee 200
Wild camping in my Vango Banshee 200

Since I’ve had the tent a while now I can put it up easily in the dark, without a torch.

For the first couple of trips, it took about 5-7 minutes but I reckon I’m down to 4-5 minutes now. 

Top Tip

  • To speed putting the tent up, keep the inner attached to the outer sheet.
  • It doesn’t take long but since I always use the two together it’s easier to keep them attached. I found the clips are a bit fiddly to undo in the mornings and one day I decided not to bother – best decision ever!!

Read next: 15 best walks in the Lake District

Also depending on the weather conditions, I sometimes don’t peg all the guy ropes out. The tent is sturdy with the main points pegged out.

As the bag is larger than the tent with a drawstring cord, it’s really easy and quick to get away without having to attempt some kind of magic trick to get the tent in the bag. Yes, my favourite feature of the Banshee!

The Pros – What do I love about the Vango Banshee 200?

Nant Peris campsite Snowdonia - Vango Banshee 200
Hanging out in my Vango Banshee tent in Snowdonia

  • The Banshee is a good budget for a beginner tent
  • It’s big enough for me and my rucksack inside
  • I can sit up in it (in the middle)
  • The bag that the Vango Banshee comes in has a wide drawstring to easily fit your tent back into.
  • The khaki green colour is great camouflage for wild camping trips
  • It’s good in windy conditions, the aerodynamic design, plus guy ropes to secure it in place.
  • It’s a speedy tent to pitch, handy in the dark or the rain!

The Cons – What don’t I love about the tent?

  • For a 2-person tent, it’s not that light to take on long-distance hiking trips (when you factor in the rest of the gear you have to carry).
  • For my recent Jurassic Coast multi-day hike I swapped my Vango Banshee for a smaller and lighter 1-person tent.
  • The clips, fitting the inner sheet to the outer sheet of the tent are a pain to get off with cold hands (even when they aren’t cold it’s tricky). This is why I’ve now left them attached, as per suggestion above.
  • Although I can sit up in one part of the tent, due to the sloping design this is the only part you can sit up in, but if you’re taller than 5’7 then it’s a pain not to have the height – as you’ll read in these reviews of the Banshee 300
  • The porch area is small and not big enough for my backpack if it’s wet.

Would I recommend the Vango Banshee 200?

Glen Nevis Campsite - Vango Banshee 200
Glen Nevis Campsite – the night before Ben Nevis summit

Hopefully, you’ve sensed the love for my first wild camping tent as you’ve been reading my review, so yes I would recommend the Banshee 200 tent 🙂

If you are looking for a great tent for one person (yes I know this is designed as a 2-person) then this is a great option and I would recommend the Vango Banshee 200 as your first tent.

Although there are better tents you can buy, for the price of the Vango, it’s a great first tent for wild camping trips. The Banshee is also the recommended tent for Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, which is why you’ll see so many of them about!

After 50+ (maybe more) camping trips the Vango Banshee is now packed up in storage, but I can’t quite get rid of it yet!

Want to try a warmer weather option? How about Glamping in England!

Read more of my hiking adventures here

Do you have any more questions about my Vango Banshee 200 review?

Is there anything else you’d like to know about this tent before you buy it? Ask me any questions in the comments below.

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Vango Banshee 200 review - 2-man tent

Vango Banshee 200 review - 2-man tent (1)

Vango Banshee 200 review - 2-man tent

*This Vango Banshee 200 tent review is not sponsored. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

16 thoughts on “Vango Banshee 200 REVIEW | Read Before You Buy This Tent!

    • Becky the Traveller says:

      Hi Jay, I’ve never waterproofed the seams myself and not had any leakage issues. I don’t use anything under my tent, but I do always check the ground before pitching for any stones or anything sharp. Hope that helps 🙂

  1. Danny Stewart says:

    We have no such body of water as “Lake” Earn. It is LOCH Earn and Loch is the name of the vast majority of waters we have here.We have 1 Lake and even that is a corruption of a Gaelic word.

    • Becky the Traveller says:

      Ah thanks, Danny, goodness I wrote this post a while ago and didn’t spot that at the time. I’m just back from travelling and wild camping next to many Lochs in Scotland, so beautiful 🙂

  2. Michael Stanyer says:

    Great review, thanks for the info that the pro is just rebrand of the banshee. Purchasing as I take my first steps from one day walks to multiday trips.

  3. Ian says:

    Hi Becky, great review. Not sure if they’ve changed it again but I’ve just bought a new Banshee Pro 200 and the inner tent is orange again.

  4. john says:

    thanks for honest review.. I have recently bought one. I presume in bad weather you would pitch back end into wind? John

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